American farmers in the 1600s who refused to grow hemp went to jail. By contrast, American farmers today that try to grow industrial hemp, a cousin of marijuana, will go to jail! The criminalization of marijuana has left our fields hemp-less, but we are not hopeless.
We are just now beginning to see the true value of this resplendent herb, as over 450,000 pounds of hemp seeds and 331 pounds of hemp oil enter our country each year. The annual retail sale of hemp-based products in America exceeds 350 million dollars.
Hemp was, at one time, as American as apple pie. The first currency was printed on hemp paper. Hemp flour, hemp oil, hemp seeds, and hemp fiber were an invaluable part of American society.
The English colonists at Jamestown cultivated hemp in the 1600s, and used the fiber for rope, clothing, linen, rugs, and even sails. No doubt hemp seed and oil were an integral part of the early settlement kitchen and medicine cabinet.
Did you know? Thomas Jefferson and George Washington both grew hemp.
Fact: Hemp use can be traced back over 6,000 years throughout all civilized cultures.
Nutritional powerhouse
From a nutritional perspective, hemp is a powerhouse. Containing all 20 amino acids, including the nine that we cannot produce and all the essential fatty acids, hemp can truly sustain human life.
The lifesaving hemp seed and oil can help ward off heart disease, cancer, diabetes, ease the pain of fibromyalgia and inflammation, and help with depression, atopic dermatitis and attention deficit disorder. Hemp has a perfect balance of vitamin E, carotene, calcium, magnesium and the B-vitamins.
In addition to providing a good source of chlorophyll, hemp oil also contains beneficial antioxidants and minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc.
Hemp oil is a bountiful vegetarian protein that builds the immune system and keeps toxins at bay. Research indicates that the nutritional value of hemp can help anyone who suffers from an immune system suppression illness. The phytonutrients in hemp protect the bloodstream, skin, and organs from disease.
A natural appetite suppressant, hemp can be an integral part of any weight loss program. Adding a few tablespoons of hemp seeds to your breakfast can reduce food cravings all day long. Hemp also provides an abundance of energy which makes getting to the gym that much easier.
Hemp oil takes on our #1 killer – heart disease
Research in favor of the therapeutic properties of hemp oil continues to amass. This “outlawed” plant even has the power to tackle the number one killer in our nation – heart disease – which stole the lives of millions in 2014. More on that to come…..
Known as “nature’s perfectly balanced oil,” hemp oil contains just the right ratio of omega-6 (LA) to omega-3 (LNA) essential fatty acids, along with 3 additional polyunsaturated fatty acids. Together, this forms an impressive fatty acid profile, making hemp oil unique among all other seed oils.
LNA has potent therapeutic value, including:
- Keeping skin smooth
- Speeding healing time
- Reducing inflammation
- Increasing immunity
- Reducing pain
- Promoting calmness
- Treating bacterial infections
- Reducing water retention
- Lowering blood pressure and reducing stickiness in platelets
- Increasing vitality
LA has properties that also improve health, including:
- Improving energy production
- Balancing mental state
- Helping with oxygen transfer
- Fatigue recovery
- Improving serotonin production
- Improving immune system function
- Fighting infection
- Preventing allergies
- Improving heart function
Omega-3s have long been shown, in numerous studies, to have a heart protective quality. Authors of a new study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry concur with this previous research and have added new insight into the powerful bioactive compounds in hemp oil.
After examining the fatty acid profile of hempseed oil, researchers noted that the oil contains about 75 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids and 12 percent saturated and monounsaturated fats. The study confirmed that a high ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fat is linked to a reduction in cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.
In addition, researchers’ analysis of the oil revealed plant sterols, known as polysterols, which are substances that are found in fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts. Sterols have been shown to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack.
Study leaders note that while further research is needed, the results of this research point to the possibility that hemp oil may play a role in protecting the heart. More research will follow.
How to purchase and use hemp oil
Hemp oil adds a slightly nutty or earthy taste to food. It is essential that you purchase only unrefined (raw) oil, and understand that this oil has a very short shelf life. It is best to purchase small amounts and store the oil in a dark container in the refrigerator.
Hemp oil is not suitable for cooking because it has a very low smoke point. Many people enjoy topping salads or other foods with hemp oil. You can also use unrefined hemp oil as an all-over body moisturizer.
This amazing and very old oil seems to be gaining the recognition that it deserves. Maybe it is time to add this to your health arsenal!
-The Alternative Daily