Tag: back pain

The Absolute Best Sleeping Positions to Eliminate Back Pain

According to the Global Burden of Disease study, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world. The most interesting thing...

What are the Benefits of a Butt Massage

You may have only clicked on this article thinking “surely they can’t be serious.” Though it may not be the most popular place on...

Instead Of Drugs, Try These 5 All-Natural Ways To Banish Sciatica...

Sciatica is a very common condition that involves pain, numbness or weakness that radiates from the buttocks to the foot. The symptoms of this...

6 Places Your Body Stores Stress And How To Release It

Chronic stress is “the silent killer” because it wreaks havoc on our immune system and contributes to diseases like heart disease, obesity, Alzheimer’s, depression,...

5 Ways To Relieve Pain Naturally

Pain, unfortunately, is just a fact of life. Whether it’s from a misaligned back, sleeping in a weird position, sports injury or a chronic...

Can’t Sleep? Try Sleeping On The Floor (And Other Sleep Hacks)

Quiz: What’s more important? Sleep or a healthy diet? Go on, think about it for a moment before you read on. Obviously, we need...

A 4-Ingredient Elixir That Can Eliminate Back Pain

Each year 13 million Americans visit the doctor for chronic back pain. While about 2.4 million are left chronically disabled, another 2.4 million are...

Is Your Doctor Making Money From Tests You Don’t Need?

In a joint effort between the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services, the Medicare strike force executed a nationwide...

17 Conditions Yoga May Help Heal, According To Science

Yoga is well known for its ability to boost fitness levels and flexibility, decrease stress, and support feelings of calm and well-being. However, more...

9 Surprising Reasons Your Back Hurts

If you’ve never experienced back pain, you can consider yourself to be among the lucky few. According to the American Chiropractic Association, eight out...