Tag: magnesium

Boost Your Mood And 3 Other Reasons To Enjoy Blackstrap Molasses

A long-time staple of southern cuisine, molasses is becoming better known as a superfood because of its soothing comfort, healing qualities and nutritious value. Produced...

5 Ways to Use Hemp Oil in Your Beauty and Hygiene...

Hemp oil is a fantastic natural supplement to your beauty and hygiene routine. Like olive and avocado oil, it has a naturally green color...

Is Lack of Sleep or Lack of Minerals Making You Tired?

Do you find yourself always reaching for that extra cup of coffee in the morning just to make it through? Are you getting eight...

6 Dried Fruits That Are Actually Good for You!

Dried fruits sometimes get a bad reputation due to the fact that some have a high concentration of natural sugars, as well as the...

5 Magnesium-Rich Foods to Eat for Blood Sugar Balance

A mineral that is more powerful than most of us realize, magnesium controls a large amount of metabolic and enzymatic processes within our bodies...

6 of the Best and Least Expensive Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium is a crucial mineral we need to regulate our heartbeat, digestion, mood, stabilize our blood sugar, and care for our bones. It’s also...

Feeling Moody? You May Need Magnesium

The daily stresses of life can be difficult to navigate, and sometimes you may find yourself struggling with mood swings. These highs and lows...

Minerals that Ward off Fatigue and How to Get Them

Many of us suffer from fatigue at least occasionally, making it difficult to accomplish our numerous daily tasks in addition to taking the joy...

9 Reasons to Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt, which is not really a salt at all but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate, gets its named from a...

Can Sex Cure Migraines?

If you have a throbbing headache, sex may be the last thing you want to think out. However, according to a recent study, sexual...